Very recently while studying the word i found something really deep and interesting in the book of isaiah by the help of the holyspirit, it made so ecstatic and so loved, at the moment i caught the word i couldn't keep it to myself, i had to share it with a friend closeby, i didn't just give her the word i asked her a question which by answering will give the understanding required. And that same question is what i would like to ask you, of which i hope you answer before reading further.

Supposing you loved something so dearly, to the point where you feel the need to tattoo it on a part of your body just so you can see it at all time, without having to look at it in a mirror or having difficulty looking at it in public or privately, where would be the best place to put this tatoo???...Did you just say hands?...Exactly my point.

Now read isaiah 49:14-16and see what it says. God says he can never forget us, why? Because he has graven us on the palms of his hands(most visible place). Incase you find that hard to believe, see numbers 23:19, it says "God is not a man that he should lie...."
Sincerely, if this word does not give you hope i don't know what will. Because it shows that you are very important to God, your life, your academics, your health, your walk with him, your current situation, your current reality, regardless of where you are, how much you have lost, how much time has been wasted,how unlikely it seems you victory is, they matter to God, because you are very IMPORTANT to God.
Now don't misquote me, i am not encouraging you to get a tattoo just to prove your love for something or someone (Your body is the temple of the almighty so keep it pure). I am just trying to explain the depth of the father's love for us.
So learn to trust him(God), seek his face ,remind him of what his word says, let him know you believe in him, in his son and in his word, seek the Holyspirit's guidance. and then relax and see things working out for you.

Kindly, leave contributions if you have any. God bless you and thanks for reading.


Anonymous said…
Wow.... Dis is beautiful. I am very special to God. This message should be a constant reminder to every believer, it will help go through each day successfully.
It is funny how I check ur blog for new post but I missed dis particular one.
Thank you so much. Oh wow you check my blog😁😁😁..i'm excited.

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