Once upon a time

Once upon a time I saw a great man dance out to give thanks to the lord.
He was an epitome of excellence and grace
Kings knelt to speak with him
Princes came to shine under his light
Queens bowed to him, out of great respect and honour for him.
He spoke with great confidence and authority but with humility.
He was a force to reckon with.

But then I saw a woman sway in front of him with great confidence and humility as they danced forward,
wearing a robe similar to his,
carrying a grace similar to his,
encompassed with beauty and honour.

Oh she was his woman, amazing!
The one who stood by him when he was just a man,
The one who gave him the children of his youth,
The one who still remained  even when he became a god!

What a rare luck.

A woman exalted among many generations.
A woman of valor.
Bold enough to be called a wife.
Strong enough to be called a woman.
Blessed enough to be called a mother.

Once upon a time I saw a great couple
And they were the anointed of God.



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